Film Production, Screening, Laboratory

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TALÈ Palermo

La Bandita presents five short films born through a participatory writing method: the participants and the protagonists compare their looks, their memories and their feelings in a group dialogue and rework them drawing inspiration from the place where they live (a seaside city, your school, your home, your dreams). The setting of all the films is Palermo, a city where suffocated nature resurfaces imposingly to console, soothe, listen, but sometimes also frighten its inhabitants or visitors. The energy of the city allows the authors and the protagonists to bring out their feelings and their sensations: friendship, the uncertainty of their future, the desire for freedom and to express their imagination.  The stories are also the testimony of an era, the living memory of people who react with their imagination to discrimination and ecological crises. They are examples that show a way to sew interpersonal bonds and understand our present.

Screenings programme

  1. Le donne non hanno tempo. Produced by  Ecomuseo del Mare e financed by the funds of Otto per mille of the Valdese Church, 2021, 8’.
    The story of a woman throughout the thoughts and the feelings of more women. 
  2. Talìa, produced by La Bandita within the project Erasmus +, 2021, 14’
    Three stories born by the re-enactment of personal memories reworked in groups. 
  3. I ricordi hanno colori Produced by Miur and Istituto de Amicis within the project Piano Estate, 2021, 8’. ABCinema LAB directed by La Bandita.
    A story born by the confrontation of the students of an elementary school class, starting from the re-enactment of personal memories and fears. 
  4. Nei nostri sogni. Produced by Piano Nazionale Cinema per le Scuole 2019/2020 of Miur and Istituto Gonzaga, with the support of Centro Astalli, 2021, 19’. ABCinema LAB directed by La Bandita.
    A story born from the sharing of dreams and nightmares of a group of middle school students. 
  5. Palermo sole nero, produced by GREC – Groupe de Recherches et d’Essais Cinématographiques, 2021, 25’.
    A script inspired by Palermo popular beliefs and by the lives of the main actors re- enacted by themselves.


Experimental concert by Dennis Appiah and Ibrahim Deme


La Bandita, Ecomuseo del Mare




Palermo, Sicilia


